ASA LASER Knowledge bank
Energy for Health
Energy for Health is a journal published by ASAcampus (collaboration between ASA’s research department and the Department of Experimental Biomedical and Clinical Sciences at the University of Florence) and which is used to disseminate scientific knowledge and studies on laser therapy and magnetic therapy.
In Energy for Health, the results are basic and clinical studies carried out in Italy and abroad. The articles to be published are selected using a peer review process.
Energy for Health has for over ten years given researchers, doctors and internationally recognized specialists the opportunity to have an open discussion and a natural point of contact for exchanging experiences and knowledge.
Link to the Energy for Health database:
The database
Thought the link below, many scientific results/studies can be found, all of which are based on the use of ASA units – both within laser therapy and magnet therapy. All studies are in English.
These studies will grow over time given the widespread use of ASA treatments worldwide.